Per 1 februari is dit forum niet meer actief. Je account en bijbehorende gegevens op dit forum zijn daarom verwijderd. Oude berichten kun je nog wel nalezen. We zien je eind februari graag terug in de nieuwe community van Meer informatie lees je op of in dit topic.

Ontwikkelingen mbt herstel

Alles omtrent voeding en supplementen

Bericht door Leonard »

Problemen in de spinal cord zijn zeker ook een factor, naast bijv, de darmen.

Ik zou ieder aan willen raden dit eens heel goed te lezen en bestuderen: [url] ... ml#p246266[/url] en ook de verwijzing naar MS Translate [url] ... y-muscles/[/url]

We hoeven niet allemaal die hele moeilijke dingen te onderzoeken die in volgende artikelen staan genoemd [url] ... ides-clues[/url]
[url] ... d-injuries[/url]

Het soepel maken van de spine is een essentieel onderdeel van het herstel; met een goede doorbloeding.

We hebben vele jaren van ischemische stress gehad die zijn sporen heeft achtergelaten; ik heb die stress letterlijk gevoeld op mijn schouders.

Die stress en de onbalans in het systemische en parasystemische immuunsysteem en de resulterende manke communicatie met het brein heeft allerlei problemen met de spieren veroorzaakt die leiden tot spasticiteit. En daarna ook achteruitgang.

Het staat allemaal op het draadje [url] ... ml#p246266[/url]

Schande dat vanuit de hoek van de neurologie niks gedaan wordt.

Schande ook dat de pers dit niet oppikt, ik heb meerdere aangeschreven maar zonder resultaat.

Deze ochtend las ik over de vrije pers, en dat het goed gesteld is met de vrije pers in Nederland (op 2de plaats na Noorwegen).
Niet dus, ook wij hebben geen "vrije pers". Ook onze pers is onderdeel van het establishment.
Er was volgens het bericht nog nooit zoveel minachting voor de pers.
Ik denk dat de "sluipende oorlog" tegen de pers alleen maar erger wordt. Gedreven door het Internet, Twitter en dit soort media als MSweb.
Ik verwelkom dat zeer! Volgens mij is er dus in Nederland ook geen echte vrij pers; ze zitten allemaal in hetzelfde schuitje, van zij die het establishment uitmaken. Het Internet zorgt voor een nieuwe openheid, ik noem het soms een 2de golf van Verlichting.
Donald Trump drijft hem aan; wij hebben hem ook hard nodig!

Scientists May Have Reactivated The Gene That Causes Neurons To Stop Growing

Bericht door Marsei »

Scientists May Have Reactivated The Gene That Causes Neurons To Stop Growing

Scientists May Have [URL=" ... p-growing/"][U]Reactivated The Gene[/U][/URL] That Causes Neurons To Stop Growing

It’s commonly believed that brain cells stop multiplying when our bodies become fully grown. Researchers from the German Centre for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE) theorized that our bodies have a sort of “molecular break”, that signals the neurons to stop growing when adulthood is reached. Reawakening neurons past this “break” could be key to treating diseases that cause damage to the neural network.

The scientists searched for the gene causing the molecular break through mice and cell cultures. “That was like looking for the proverbial needle in the haystack. There are hundreds of active genes in every nerve cell, depending on its stage of development,” said neurobiologist Frank Bradke, leader of the study.

They found a suspect gene using a data-analysing approach called bioinformatics. “This gene, known as Cacna2d2, plays an important role in synapse formation and function, in other words in bridging the final gap between nerve cells,” discussed Bradke.


Cacna2d2 controls the structures within a molecular complex that regulate calcium levels. This is essential to communication between neurons. The researchers aimed to reactivate Cacna2d2 using Pregabalin (PGB), a drug used to bind calcium channels within the complex. PGB was adminstered to mice with spinal cord injuries. The researchers observed that new nerve connections grew in the mice.

“Our study shows that synapse formation acts as a powerful switch that restrains axonal growth. A clinically-relevant drug can manipulate this effect,” says Bradke. PGB is presently used to treat lesions of the spinal cord. “PGB might have a regenerative effect in patients, if it is given soon enough. In the long term this could lead to a new treatment approach. However, we don’t know yet.”

The study could lead to a feasible treatment for paralysis together with other neurodegenerative diseases. While the research is far from human testing, the discovery and reactivation of the molecular break is indeed valuable.[/QUOTE]

Breakthrough device heals organs with a single touch

Bericht door Marsei »

Breakthrough device heals organs with a single touch

Breakthrough device [URL=" ... tcount=147"][U]heals organs[/U][/URL] with a single touch

[QUOTE]Researchers at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center and Ohio State's College of Engineering have developed a new technology, Tissue Nanotransfection (TNT), that can generate any cell type of interest for treatment within the patient's own body. This technology may be used to repair injured tissue or restore function of aging tissue, including organs, blood vessels and nerve cells.[/QUOTE]
[QUOTE]In lab tests, this technology was also shown to reprogram skin cells in the live body into nerve cells that were injected into brain-injured mice to help them recover from stroke.[/QUOTE]

Bericht door Bixi »


Dit lijkt ook op de bovenstaande post......

[QUOTE]It’s well known that electric fields can locally guide wound healing. Damaged tissues generate weak electric fields, and research by UC Davis Professor Min Zhao at the School of Medicine’s Institute for Regenerative Cures has previously shown how these electric fields can attract cells into wounds to heal them.

But the problem is that neural stem cells are naturally only found deep in the brain — in the hippocampus and the subventricular zone. To repair damage to the outer layers of the brain (the cortex), they would have to migrate a significant distance in the much larger human brain.[/QUOTE]

[QUOTE]But by applying an electric field within the rat’s brain, the researchers found they could get the transplanted stem cells to reverse direction and swim “upstream” against the fluid flow. Once arrived, the transplanted stem cells stayed in their new locations weeks or months after treatment, and with indications of differentiation (forming into different types of neural cells)[/QUOTE]
[URL=" ... -282228853"]Bron[/URL]

Oxygen chamber can boost brain repair years after stroke or trauma

Bericht door Marsei »

Oxygen chamber can boost brain repair years after stroke or trauma

[URL=" ... 144218.htm"][U]Oxygen chamber[/U][/URL] can boost brain repair years after stroke or trauma

[QUOTE]Through the use of hyperbaric, oxygen-rich chambers, medical researchers have found a way to restore a significant amount of neurological function in brain tissue thought to be chronically damaged by stroke, traumatic injury, and metabolic disorder -- even years after the original injury.[/QUOTE]


Bericht door Marsei »



[QUOTE]The research team at University of California, San Francisco (UCSF), led by Prof Jonah Chan tested the drug clemastine (trade name Tavist) which has been licensed by the FDA for 40 years now for use in hayfever and allergies and is now a cheap generic. Importantly they tested the drug in people with chronic longstanding MS who had quite a bit of central nervous system damage. To their surprise they used a sensitive test of the speed of transmission of nerves in the visual pathways and showed that is speeded up substantially, meaning that transmission through the whole central nervous system was likely to be speeded up for those taking this medication. The dose of drug used was 5.36mg twice daily, for a daily dose of 10.72mg, whereas for allergy, the recommended dose is no more than 2.68mg three times daily, for a daily dose of 8.04mg. The only important side effect of large doses is sleepiness, and in this study, participants were more likely to report fatigue, which may reflect that.

While much more work needs to be done before this drug could be licensed in MS, the research is really a breakthrough, showing that repairing damaged myeline is now a realistic possibility. Read the full paper [URL=" ... sca1=tlxpr"][U]here[/U][/URL].[/QUOTE]

An OTC antihistamine drug remyelinates? Really?

Bericht door Marsei »

An OTC antihistamine drug remyelinates? Really?

Van [URL=" ... nates.html"][U]Joan[/U][/URL]: An OTC antihistamine drug remyelinates? Really?
As we dig further into the study, we learn that there never was any proof of remyelination---this is just a guess on method of action. They didn't actually see any new myelin on brain lesions, they didn't see any evidence of myelination on MRI. So what did they see? There was a very small, almost insignificant, improvement in eye response, using visual evoked potential measurements. (here's how this test works. [URL=" ... tial-tests"][U]link[/U][/URL] )

During the study, delays were reduced by an average of 1.7 milliseconds in each eye per patient among those who received the antihistamine. [/QUOTE]


Bericht door Marsei »


Onderzoek naar een [URL=" ... ndom-ms-56"][U]scan[/U][/URL] die nauwkeurig de afbraak van myeline in beeld brengt (pagina 16).

Researchers find potential path to repair nerves damaged by multiple sclerosis

Bericht door Marsei »

Researchers find potential path to repair nerves damaged by multiple sclerosis

Researchers find potential path to [URL=" ... -sclerosis"][U]repair nerves damaged[/U][/URL] by multiple sclerosis


A UCLA study found that gene expression in specific cells and in specific regions of the body can provide a more precise, neuroprotective approach than traditional treatments for neurological diseases. Gene expression is the process by which genetic instructions are used to synthesize gene products, such as proteins, which go on to perform essential functions.

For multiple sclerosis, specifically, increasing cholesterol synthesis gene expression in astrocytes of the spinal cord can be a pathway to repair nerves that affect walking.[/QUOTE]

Bericht door Bixi »

[URL=""]Potential Path to Repair Nerves Damaged by Multiple Sclerosis[/URL]

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