Pagina 10 van 15

Geplaatst: 27 okt 2017, 15:39
door Marsei
Tweet Linda:
[QUOTE]Jan Patrick Stellmann's resultaten laten zien dat 3 maanden aerobe training structurele en functionele hersenconnectieviteit verbetert. Dit vraagt om vervolgonderzoek, helaas lastig te financieren. Opvallend weinig mensen in de zaal voor deze presentatie.[/QUOTE]

Geplaatst: 27 okt 2017, 17:08
door Klick
[QUOTE]MedDay’s High-Dose Biotin, MD1003, Improves Disability in Progressive MS Patients[/QUOTE]

[url] ... -patients/[/url]

Types of Brain and Spinal Cord Lesions Help Determine if MS Develops, Study Reports

Geplaatst: 27 okt 2017, 20:16
door Marsei
Types of Brain and Spinal Cord Lesions Help Determine if MS Develops, Study Reports

[URL=" ... d-lesions/"][U]Types of Brain and Spinal Cord Lesions[/U][/URL] Help Determine if MS Develops, Study Reports

[QUOTE]The types of brain and spinal cord inflammation patches that occur in a precursor condition to multiple sclerosis help determine whether a person develops MS in the next 15 years, a British neurologist reported today.[/QUOTE]
[QUOTE]He was referring to inflammation patches known as brain and spinal cord lesions in people who have clinically isolated syndrome, or CIS. [/QUOTE]
[QUOTE]The study’s findings could help doctors do a better job of predicting whether CIS will turn into MS, Brownlee said.[/QUOTE]
[QUOTE]Brownlee’s study is one of the first to examine how early signs of CIS may influence the disease’s progression. His presentation was titled “New spinal cord and infratentorial lesions in early relapse-onset MS are predictive of secondary progressive disease course after 15 years.”[/QUOTE]
[QUOTE]Brownlee’s team followed the patients for 15 years to see whether the types of lesions that CIS patients had when they received their diagnosis, and at one and three years, were associated with them developing relapsing MS, and later secondary progressive MS, or SPMS.

A key finding was that people with CIS who had more spinal cord lesions were at 4 1/2 times more likely to develop SPMS 15 years later than people with fewer lesions.

The research team also said a type of lesion known as a gadolinium-enhancing lesion increased by 1.7 times the chance that a CIS patient would develop SPMS, compared with those who had no such lesions. Gadolinium-enhancing lesions indicate that inflammation is ongoing.

At the start of the study, CIS patients who developed SPMS later “had more spinal lesions and showed a trend for more gadolinium-enhancing lesions,” Brownlee said.

Another finding was that new lesions in the spinal cord or lower parts of the brain a year after a CIS diagnosis increased by 5.7 to seven times the risk that a patient would develop SPMS within 15 years. Gadolinium-enhancing lesions doubled the risk.

The risk that new lesions would lead to SPMS soared three years after a CIS diagnosis. New spinal cord lesions made it 39 times more likely a CIS patient would develop SPMS, compared with a patient with no new lesions. CIS patients with both new spinal cord and new lower brain lesions at three years were at 53 percent higher risk of ending up with SPMS within 15 years.

In contrast, people with no new lesions in their spinal cord and lower parts of the brain had only a 0.9 percent risk of developing SPMS 15 years later.

“Patients who remained CIS at 15 years had mostly normal [MRI] scans,” Brownlee said.

The research team also examined lesions in the upper part of CIS patients’ brains — above the cerebellum — along with their brain volume and cervical spinal cord cross-sectional area. They found no link between changes in these measurements after one and three years and the risk of a CIS patient developing SPMS.

The bottom line was that an accumulation of lesions in the spinal cord and lower brain regions appears to drive disease progression — a point that physicians should consider when trying to predict whether their patients will develop MS, the team said.

“Brain atrophy did not appear to differ greatly between the groups, but spinal cord atrophy was more severe,” Brownlee added, emphasizing the need for spinal cord MRIs in CIS patients.[/QUOTE]

Michal Schwartz

Geplaatst: 27 okt 2017, 23:11
door Marsei
Michal Schwartz

Van Joan op FB:
[QUOTE]From Jonathan Kipnis at #ECTRIMS #MSParis2017 A picture of Michal Schwartz, speaking about how the "immune system is not always bad for the brain." Are #MS specialists ready to listen to her, now that the brain's lymphatic vessels have been discovered? (notice her [URL=""][U]slide[/U][/URL]--"anti-inflammatory drugs have fallen short!")[/QUOTE]
[QUOTE]Michal Schwartz is a badass research hero of mine. She was called lots of things by MS researchers, journalists and people who wanted her to burn her papers and go away. Yet, she persisted. [/QUOTE]Het [URL=" ... right.html"][U]blog[/U][/URL] van Joan over Michal Schwartz.

Programma van 28 oktober

Geplaatst: 28 okt 2017, 03:09
door Marsei
Programma van 28 oktober

07:45 - 08:15 Mini Satellite Symposium - The role of auto-antibodies in
CNS diseases: AQP4, NMDAR, MOG and others

08:30 - 10:00 Parallel Session 16: Late Breaking News

10:30 - 12:30 Plenary Session 2 - MSParis2017 Awards, ECTRIMS
Honorary Members, Charcot Lecture and MSParis2017


Geplaatst: 28 okt 2017, 15:48
door Marsei

Een paar tweets over ibudilast :
[QUOTE]dr. fox presents terrific success of ibudilast in progressive #ms - 48% reduction brain atrophy & excellent safety.[/QUOTE]

[QUOTE]Late breakers at #MSparis2017 Based on inside knowledge it looks like the Ibudilast trial is positive, must have got the results in Sept. [/QUOTE]

[QUOTE]#Ibudilast positive on primary endpoint[/QUOTE]

[URL=" ... ilast.html"][U]Barts MS blog[/U][/URL]: Late Breaking ECTRIMS News. Ibudilast sprints to the lead and shows success in progressive MS

[URL=" ... ost1095649"][U]Topic[/U][/URL] op MS-web over Ibudilast.


Geplaatst: 28 okt 2017, 19:34
door Marsei

Tweet Linda: [QUOTE]Geweldige presentatie van Daniel Reich over hoe de aanwezigheid van lymfesysteem in de hersenen werd aangetoond.[/QUOTE]
Ben je ook naar de presentatie van Kipnis (Meningeal lymphatics in MS) geweest Linda? Hij is 1 van de onderzoekers die de aanwezigheid van het lymfesysteem in de hersenen als eerste ontdekt heeft.

[QUOTE][URL=" ... ent=nieuws"][U]Cruciale ontdekking[/U][/URL] dwingt tot nieuwe kijk op ziekten als Alzheimer en MS:

Baanbrekend onderzoek werpt de vastgeroeste gedachte dat er geen rechtstreekse link bestaat tussen de hersenen en het immuunsysteem overboord. Decennialang werd gedacht dat deze lymfevaten in het centrale zenuwstelsel niet bestonden. De ontdekking heeft een grote impact voor het onderzoek naar en de behandeling van een brede waaier aan neurologische ziekten. De deur naar een drastisch nieuwe kijk op aandoeningen als Alzheimer, autisme en multiple sclerose (MS) is geopend.[/QUOTE]

[URL=" ... overy.html"][U]Blog Joan[/U][/URL]: A "Stunning Discovery"
[URL=" ... undup.html"][U]
Blog Joan[/U][/URL]: 2016 Research Roundup


Geplaatst: 28 okt 2017, 20:26
door Marsei

Tweet Linda: [QUOTE]Pleidooi van Maritn Duddy om het binaire model van MS (relapsing remitting of progressief) los te laten, en te gaan denken in een continuum[/QUOTE]

Dit is iets waar [URL=" ... ed-ms.html"][U]Gavin Giovannoni[/U][/URL] ook voor pleit.

[QUOTE]The neuroaxonal loss - the underlying element of ‘advanced MS’ - is there from the beginning. This means the neurodegenerative phase of MS is present from the beginning before pwMS become physically disabled. Do you agree?

MS is one disease and not two or three diseases. As we have said before, the division of MS into several diseases is not backed up by science. This false division of MS into several diseases has become counter-productive to the field of MS. The division of MS into multiple diseases was Pharma-led to get MS defined as an orphan disease. This helped in that it allowed interferon-beta-1b to get a licence based on the results of one pivotal phase 3 study.

Similarly, we believe the division between SPMS and PPMS is false. There are no pathological, genetic, imaging or other data that suggests these are different entities. We, therefore, propose doing trials in both populations simultaneously.

o slay the dogma that more advanced MS has reduced inflammation, or is non-inflammatory. There are clinical, imaging and pathological data that shows inflammation plays a part in advanced MS. Therefore not to target more advanced MS with an anti-inflammatory is folly.

Google Hangout at ECTRIMS Paris 2017

Geplaatst: 28 okt 2017, 21:12
door Marsei
Google Hangout at ECTRIMS Paris 2017

[URL=""][U]Video[/U][/URL]: Google Hangout at ECTRIMS Paris 2017 (vanaf 4:30)

Een paar punten uit de video:

- McDonald criteria: er wordt gesproken over nieuwe criteria bij het diagnosticeren van MS. De lumbaal punctie wordt weer van stal gehaald. Het aantreffen van de oligoclonal bandjes kan het criterium 'tijd' vervangen. Verder tellen meer types laesies mee en wordt er gesproken over het veranderen van het definiëren van progressieve MS.

- Spinal laesies: spinal laesies in de eerste drie jaar geeft een grotere kans op SP na 15 jaar. Des te meer laesies, des te groter de kans (36% meer kans bij veel laesies).

- Lange termijn bijwerkingen medicatie (oa kanker)

- Biotin: het helpt mss bij remyelinisatie

- Progressieve MS

- Cognitie

- MS bij kinderen

- Borstvoeding

- Vitamine D

- Medicatie

- Stamcel behandeling; erg weinig presentaties over

- Ook over voeding was er weinig

Geplaatst: 29 okt 2017, 14:03
door Sara