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Geplaatst: 16 dec 2017, 14:58
door de echte willem


So when I came across MitoQ about a year ago, probably very similar to many out there, I was skeptical [00:02] that they were saying that this could help people with MS to improve energy, help with cognitive function, and the list goes on. I started to do some research, I read through the reports and I started to uncover that there is some real truth behind this. Originally this MitoQ is an anti-aging supplement. They have a serum too, and it supports to mitochondria on a molecular level down to the cells and it helps support overall organ function and through this they found that it's helping people with auto-immune diseases and MS. So, I decided to purchase. At first it seemed very costly. Some of the prices are very high, but then when I broke it out into a monthly basis it wasn't that horrible. Then when I started to look at the price of my health, it was truly priceless and I said, "You know, if there's a supplement out there that's going to help me with my MS, then I think it's worth it."

Geplaatst: 16 dec 2017, 16:52
door Sara
Er is inderdaad onderzoek waaruit blijkt dat Coenzym Q10 helpt tegen vermoeidheid en depressiviteit bij MS.


Begrijp ik nu dat er verschillende soorten Q10 zijn? Wat is 't onderscheid?

Geplaatst: 16 dec 2017, 17:50
door de echte willem
uit hetzelfde artikel

Now I'm seeing some videos coming out from the company and there's people that were in wheelchairs that it's now helping with their mobility and helping them to walk.